
Region of Southern Denmark, OUH Odense University Hospital
PartnersThe Region of Southern Denmark (RSD) is one of five regions in Denmark and has 1.2 million inhabitants and a total area of 12,191 km². In Denmark, the responsibility for running the health service is decentralised and lies mostly within the regional...

University of Southern Denmark
PartnersEsmaeil Nadimi Professor, WP LeadVictoria Blanes-Vidal Associate Professor, Senior ResearcherJan-Matthias Braun Assistant Professor, Senior Researcher
PartnersClaus Duedal Pedersen Director of the Sentinel Unit and CEO of the Foundation InternationalMette Maria Skjøth Head of Department, PhD, Scientific CoordinatorSisse Banke Solution OwnerDiana Friege Project Assistant

Stratos-AI ApS
PartnersBettina Eriksen CEO, Coordinator on behalf of Stratos AIBusiness development processes, organizational development, processes and pathwaysTrine Wenckh von Wenckheim CTOStructuring Quality validation, Excel, processes and pathways

Lund University
PartnersErvin Toth, MD PhD Associate professor at Lund University, Senior Gastroenterology Consultant at Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, SwedenDr Ervin Toth is is a member of several speciality national and international societies, including the Governing Board of...

Highland Health Board
PartnersAngus Watson Chair of Surgery at the University of Aberdeen and Honorary Consultant Surgeon at Raigmore Hospital, InvernessAn elected member of council of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a Clinical Advisor to the Centre for Sustainable Delivery....

Universidad Autonòma de Barcelona
PartnersFerran Torres Clinical Pharmacologist, Statistician, Associate Professor of BiostatisticsFerran Torres (MD, PhD) is a medical doctor (1988) with the Clinical Pharmacology medical specialty (1992), with 27 (1992-) years of experience in the design and analysis...

The University of Edinburgh
PartnersAdam Turner Head of External Funding ServicesAdam is the Head of External Funding at The Data Lab. He’s an experienced business development professional with over 10 years working internationally at IBM supporting clients on their journeys towards an AI...

University of Strathclyde
PartnersDr. Roma Maguire Professor of Digital Health and Care; Director of Health and Care FuturesRoma’s research interests include Digital Health, Cancer Care, Dementia, LTC Management, Patient Experience, Supportive Care, Predictive Risk Modelling and Implementation...

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School
PartnersKonstantinos Triantafyllou Clinical and Policy expertKonstantinos Katsas MSc. StatisticianTina Papastamatiou Economist, Assistant to Health Economics Specialist, Administrative Tasks

Universitet i Tromsoe – Norges Arkiske Universitet
PartnersRobert Jenssen Director for Visual Intelligence and Professor in Department of Physics and TechnologyRobert Jenssen is the Director for Visual Intelligence, a Norwegian Centre for Research-based Innovation. Visual Intelligence is a deep learning research...

Umea Universitet
PartnersMadeleine Hayenhjelm Senior LecturerMadeleine Hayenhjelm is Ass. Prof (Senior Lecturer) in Philosophy at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Umeå University, Sweden. She is also chairing the Nordic Bioethics Committee 2022...