Meet our Trailblazers: Welcome to our first instalment of AICE Team Spotlight. This series introduces you to the dedicated individuals behind the AICE project.

In these short videos, get to know each member and hear their thoughts on what excites them about their role in AICE and how they believe our project will make a real difference in colon cancer screening and diagnostics.


1. Adam Turner – The Data Lab
2. Gerard Carot-Sans – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
3. John Connaghan – University of Strathclyde
4. Lee Heaney – NHS Highland
5. Marilyn Lennon – University of Strathclyde
6. Roma Maguire – University of Strathclyde

These glimpses into our members’ perspectives highlight their crucial roles in advancing colon cancer care through the AICE project.

Be sure to watch out for the next instalment in our series, where we’ll continue to introduce more of our exceptional team.